Client Results:

"I have used it mainly as a tool to help me sell myself and my expertise with the recruiters who are part of IT consulting practices. Without exception, I have only gotten very favorable comments on my portfolio.
- Richard H., CIO


Premium Grade Hosting...
All hosting is not equal. Discount hosting companies offer low rates by using shared hosting environments. What they don't tell you is that to cut costs, they put as many as 20,000 sites on one server, resulting in slow performance.

Worse, shared public hosting is open to spammers. A spammer may send out hundreds of thousands of emails before the public hosting company catches them and boots them off the server. While this is going on, it ties up the server, and you can be looking at 20 to 30 second page loads (not something you want if you are trying to make an impression with your portfolio). Unfortunately, after the spammers are found and removed, they just come back again under a different name. So far, no one has found a way to control this in a shared public hosting environment.

In contrast, your career portfolio resides in a dedicated hosting environment. Our servers are not open to the general public, they are dedicated exclusively to career portfolios. We also limit the number of sites per server to ensure maximum CPU power per user. All this adds up to more money, but it delivers premium performance. And when a potential employer is looking at your portfolio, premium performance is exactly what you need.

Contact us for more information



